Yesterday evening sent off my parents to KL Sentral. They're going back to Kelantan via train after 2 weeks stay or should I said vacation (for my mom) here in Subang. (i'll write another n3 'bout my life in Subang). Argghh...sedihnyer, thought of persuading my abah to stay a little bit longer, but, u knowla, the very same answer,
"kebun abah tu tok leh tinggal lamo2... " (as if the kebun will ran away...hehehe) Actually they are here coz my bro has just got a new baby girl.
By the way, my bro name her Rania (yeah, just like the Queen of Jordan) much to the objection from my SIL. The word Rania comes from a sanskrit language , as in Queen. After retiring from government servant, my dad decided to become so called petani moden just to pass his time, but the ironic part is, he doesn't have any agricultural background...( semangat tu wehhh.) . So, my parents decided to spend the rest of their life in Kuala Krai, where, here, my abah start to make his dream a reality. His so called kebun had already borne the hasil, and we got to taste the first crop of durian 2 years back... memang sedap. but, alas, the second season, only a few durians yang menjadi, the rest either dah jadi rezeki monyet, tupai or kelawar. so hopefully this year the hasil are fruitful.
Usually my mom will freeze the durian inside a container and it can last for months.. It taste like ice-cream.. yummy, yummy, yummy. U guys should try, but, an important message here, freeze only the quality ones, kay.. if not tak berapa sedap.. as for my abah's kebun, there's quite a range of qualities durian , e.g tembaga, kunyit, DXX (yg ok ok aje).
All my siblings have already went to abah's kebun except for me. I dread thinking of all those squirmy thing called 'pacat'... geli tu... anyway, i think that the next trip , rase macam nak gi aje.. becoz from the pics taken my bro the scenery was so beautiful and serene. The kebun is surrounded by hills and mountains 'dara' (ala la macam kat Taman Negara dlm n3 Mak Andeh) and the fresh air , fuyoo mesti best nye.. my abah after 3 years of doing his kebun, his eyesight is getting better, and, guess what, nowdays, he read the paper or his kitab without having to use his, there you have it, it's proven that greens can improve your eyesight.. well, tunggu apa lagi, u guys with specs out there, keep looking at those trees including me. hehehhe..
ah yes, now that's my mom dah balik, ayoyo.. back doing my routine jobs, apalagi kalau tak basuh kain, lipat kain (bab ni la yang paling malas sekali ni), cooking (tapi kalau malas sangat 'tapau' je la kat kedai kak nab) and kemas rumah ..ahaks... and my hubby, gone are days of 'tak sidai baju'.. thanks for helping me with the chores..
niway, to my abah and ma, thank u for everything... (altho i'm already married with 3 kids, but, i guess to my ma's eyes, i'm still her little girl ... ) sigh... guess all parents are like that...