Salam to all..
Alhamdulillah, banyak yang da berlaku for the past 4 months...
Telah selamat melahirkan baby no 5 pada Selasa, 7 April 2009 bersamaan 11 RabiulAkhir 1430H. A brief story of how this cute little girl who decided to pop out 4 days earlier than the due date.
BABY AFZA HANIS - few minutes after birth..
The contraction had already started on that day during subuh. But, since I have taken leave for 4 days to be with Azim at the hospital, and since not much time were left before the baby's due date, and with a few outstanding matters in the office, well, this makcik kena jugak la gi opis.
We (me and my officemate, R) push off from Shah Alam around 8.30 am taking the Proton route to Puchong, I'd already felt the contraction about 10 mins apart.. Told R about this and she said "you biar betul Tee... eh, patah balik la, kan terbersalin dalam kereta kan...."
Said to myself, "Alamak, ni mesti sebab dok ulang-alik dari hospital ke rumah mak, then to Shah Alam then back to Subang..."... Jadinya, walaupun dok pikir kat opis tu ada lagi kerja yang tak setel, terpaksala gak patah balik ke Shah Alam..
Bila sampai DEMC terus gi tingkat 3 untuk pendaftaran... Midwife datang periksa, baru 3 cm bukak... No way i'm going to get the baby out by inducing like azim.. Berjanggut nak tunggu kat labor room kat 1 jam, baru ada resa nak push..
So, selamba jer cakap ngan midwife tu, i nak tunggu hubby datang, dia tengah uruskan anak i discharge kat SJMC. Ok, she said.. mujur gak...
Time is 10.00 am... Text to hubby asking him when Aisya can be discharge from the hospital.. He said now waiting for the doc to check on aisya.. By the way, Azim has been discharged on Monday, then monday nite, kakak dia pulak admit cuz of allergic.. abis bengkak muka...
Ermmmm .. boring gak dok tunggu kat bilik ni.. So, sneak out sat gi shah alam Mall.. sempat la gak rembat few things at Guardian and Reject Shop.. Hahaha... The pain.. masih lagi ada, tapi bole tahan ...
Lepas puas berjalan-jalan (maklumla lepas ni kan pantang , tak leh kuar..) , it was already 12.30 when hubby texted that aisya is ready to be discharged and now waiting for the hospital to prepare the bill.. i said ok..
Bout 1.00 pm, i was back in the room waiting for hubby, having my lunch and did some reading. Hubby reached the hospital at about 2.00 pm. Went for Zuhr prayer and after that about 2.30 pm, i told the nurse that i was ready. Ready nak bersalin la ni...
After all the prosedur yang nak bersalin tu, i was pushed to the labour room with hubby beside me. Nurse checked - eh da 8 cm la kak.. hehehe.. masa tu da pukul 3.00 ptg. Lepas masuk air, about few minutes later, my gynae came. Well, u know the drill... Mak aiii, susah gak nak keluarkan si kecik ni.. Push banyak kali tapi tak mau gak keluar... Air selusuh dah banyak da minum ni... hehe.. Hubby lak terkumat kamit dok baca surah-surah sambil dok usap ubun-ubun kepala...
Finally at 4.15 pm, after the pushing (da tak larat sebenarnya.. jangan la vacuum @ forcep), alhamdulillah, baby pun wooosshhhh.. keluar dari perut.. lega rasanya.. terus my gynae yg lemah lembut tu letak baby atas dada.. wahh.. a girl.. hehe.. and so small compared to kakak2 n abang2 nya.. she weight only 2.3 kg... i know.. so kecik kan... mesti my mom gerun nak mandikan... hehe..
After hubby da qamat and azan to our cute baby, try to breastfeed, baby pun dok try to latch.. tapi tak der lagi susu yang kuar... The baby then was taken to the nursery room. Told to hubby that this is gonna be the last.. tak larat lagi arr... the mengandung part was easy peasy, but i have to suffer the VC (urat timbul kak kaki) pain... Jangan main-main, sakit woooo...
So, friends, that's all for now.. Be back soon.. Hopefully, if time permits.. Now tengah hooked on FB.. lalalala...